A "Preferred Greeting" field across the Guest App, OCI, and OCO platforms is now available to customize greetings based on host preferences and the default language of the account. Please note that Guest Greetings are available only at the Company Level - the greeting can not be customized by brand.
To set the Guest Greeting for the Online Check-in:
Go to Settings > Check-in >Extra Customization - select Change Guest Greeting
To set the Guest Greeting for the Online Checkout:
Go to Settings > Checkout > Extra Customization - select Change Guest Greeting
To set the Guest Greeting for the Guest App:
Go to the Guest App Builder and select Styles.
Editing the Greeting:
To edit the Greeting in all supported languages, click the translations icon. Customize the text in the desired language and click Update to Save. Duve supports dynamic parameters such as guest's first name, last name, and title (where applicable) within the greeting text.
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