Q: How do I control how many items are displayed in a list before the "See more" link appears? I don't want any posts being hidden from a section.
A: In order to optimize the UI of the Guest App for mobile devices, each section will show the first three pages set in the list by default. All other pages in the section will show when the guest clicks 'See All'.
Q: Can I add more items to the banner of the Guest App?
A: At this time, all the shortcut buttons here will show by default and you will not be able to create new buttons there.
- The Wifi and Access Codes button will show only after the Codes have been released.
- The Room Key will show only if you have connected a third party access code or mobile key provider to Duve.
- The Invite button will show as long as there is at least 2 guests in the reservation.
Q: I deleted a section in my Guest App and now all my posts are not showing, Why?
A: If you delete the section, you will delete all the pages that exist under that Section. Once the section is deleted with the posts, you can not retrieve these pages.
Please note here that the pop up will show a warning if there are pages hidden from your view in order to ensure that you do not delete any content without meaning to.
Q: How are the distances reflected in the Guest App map?
A: If the guest’s country (in the reservation) is United States, the map section appears in miles. If the guest country is something else or undefined it will be in km.
Q: For the Guest App cover image added in the Styles page, what are the recommended dimensions for an image?
A: Depending on the size of the cover image selected, here are some recommended dimensions to upload the images:
- Small 375 x 300
- Medium 375 x 400
- Large 375 x 500
Q: I am trying to use the Preview of the Guest App but I am not seeing the updates specifically for the rental/brand selected. How can I make sure I am seeing the correct content?
A: In order to further troubleshoot, please follow these steps:
- Please delete the tab for the Guest App in your phone or desktop that you are using to test - we would recommend cleaning cache or using an Incognito Browser
- When clicking Preview, select the desired Hotel and wait for the QR code to refresh
- Scan the QR code on your device or open/copy the link in your new browser/tab
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