This article explains the steps required to integrate Duve with your Beds24 account. In order to begin, you have an active Duve account.
How to Connect your Duve Account to Beds24
Please start this process by contacting Beds24 Support team and ask tehem to enable v2 webhooks for the relevant properties for the Duve integration.
Go to your Beds24 account > Settings > Account Access
Before adding the API Key to the Connection Setup, you need to White list Duve IP on the Beds24 API key that you are going to use to connect to Duve
In the IP Whitelist field paste the following IP Address: (The IP address is:,
These IP addresses should be added to the IP whitelist like so:
After you whitelist the IP, go back to Duve and use your ‘Beds24 user’ as the user name and the ‘API name’ you just edited as the API Key
After filling these details – click on the “Connect” button, and you’re done! Your Beds24 and Duve accounts are now synced, and you can start using Duve (you can see all your properties information on the rental page and the reservation information in the information page).
Add the Invite Code

Add the Invite Code to Duve in the Beds24 connection page immediately, as it is only valid for up to 15 minutes.
Add Beds24 Account to Duve
Go to Settings > Connections > PMS & Channel Manager's and select a new connection and click Beds24.
Add the credentials from Beds24 into Duve.
Click Connect and your rentals and reservations will sync!
Setup Webhooks (Mandatory)
Important Step 1: Request the V2 webhooks setup from Beds24 Support.
Click into your Beds24 and copy the Beds24 Webhook URL.
Go to Settings > Property > Access and add the webhook under the Booking webhook.
Setup PropKeys in Duve for VR (optional)
Each rental in Duve needs an individual propkey in order to sync reservations. To find these propKeys, go to Settings > Property > Access. Select the Desired Property and create the propKey (must be longer than 16 characters.
Please see article from Beds24:
Go to the Rentals list and click into the desired rental. Go to the Connectivity Section and add the propKey from Beds24.
Please complete this setup per rental in Duve.
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