We are excited to announce the evolution of our WiFi and Access Codes feature. Duve is changing its logic to enhance your convenience and control over these critical parameters. This article will guide you through how to manage the release of your Access Codes manually.
Duve's update has adjusted our behavior and logic slightly, so that now it is not required to send a message to guests in order to release the code.
However, regardless of your Settings, ALL access codes can be released by sending any message that includes the access code parameters {{primaryAccessCode}} or {{secondaryAccessCode}}. Once the message is sent, the access codes will be shown also on the Guest App.
WiFi and Access Codes visibility logic is set on the Company Info page.
How to send Access Codes manually
Option 1 - NEW!
Send a message or use a canned response which includes dynamic parameters {{primaryAccessCode}} and/or {{secondaryAccessCode}}
Option 2
Go to the Tasks page.
Click on the lock icon to Release the codes. By completing this action, you are allowing the codes to show on the Guest App and within all Communications sent by Duve (emails/SMS/WhatsApp)
To send a message to your guest with the codes, you can use the Quick Actions to either Start Chat or Send Arrival Messages to give your guests the code.
Option 3
Go to the Tasks page. Click on the Quick Actions (Lightning bolt) and Click Release Codes. Once the codes are released, all messages will include Access Codes or Wifi Information.
How to Hide Access Codes
If the guest's access code is already released, click the lock icon on the guest's Arrival task to Hide the codes.
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