Duve improved the integration capabilities with OHIP. The primary goal is to ensure a more comprehensive and efficient data flow between Duve and the PMS for Billing Postal Code
This feature focuses on pushing the Billing Postal Code and Marketing Source from Duve's custom questions to the corresponding fields in OHIP. Currently, Duve pulls the Marketing Source into its system but does not push it back to OHIP. This integration upgrade addresses this gap by introducing a two-way data push for better synchronization. The feature supports both company and brand levels, applicable to hotels and vacation rentals.
This feature supports both the main booker and companions. Duve maps five field matches as part of the billing address:
- Billing Postal Code.
- Marketing Source
If the information exists in Optima, it will be pre-populated for guest confirmation or modification. Any changes made by the guest will be pushed to new fields in Optima.
How to Set It Up?
To ensure that the custom questions are mapped correctly, please ensure that each Custom Question is aligned with the correct field match.
Go to Settings > Check-in > Custom Questions and select the field match for your Custom Question.
For Marketing Source, create this question as a mutiple choice. Under the Field Match settings, hosts should select the last option from the list named "Marketing source".
Set up the Label (the description from OHIP) that the guest will see during the online check-in, and the code that will be pushed to the dedicated place in the OHIP guest profile.
Once the custom question and select the new field named "Marketing Source" in Duve and ensure it is included in the online check-in process for guests. Map this new field in Duve - Marketing Code to the field in OHIP named "Market Code".
Add the codes, as listed in the OHIP account, and add the label, as you would like the guest's to select in the dropdown.
Once mapped, these fields will automatically push data from Duve to OHIP upon guest completing of the Online Check-in.
For the full information on the OHIP integration, please see: OHIP
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