The Guest App sections and posts are visible to the guests in their Guest App. Within each section, posts can be created using different types of content "blocks". Additional settings such as visibility and timing can also be customized.
To create a new section, click "+ New" > Section.
To edit an existing section, click on the title name in the Guest App builder. This will open the settings to type the name of the section, which will show in the Guest App.
Select the dropdown menu to select the type of section: list, list with photo, or carousel.
Click "Translate" to translate from Original Text to all languages.
Note: Sections will only be shown in the Guest App if there are posts within the category.
When creating a new page, you can add a Post or Upsell.
A new post can be created or added from a template.
Click on "+ Add Page" under a section to create a new post.
To add a templated post click "Templates" in the Guest App Builder toolbar. Then select the desired template to add to the Guest App.
Begin creating the post by adding a title:
To add content to the post, click ‘Add first block’ to see the menu of each type of block that can be added to the post. A user can insert text boxes, images, videos, maps, PDF files and links to Upsells.
For formatting, icon boxes, accordion posts, and spacers can be inserted.
To link to the Access Codes, an ‘Access Room/ Rental’ block can be added to any post.
Text box
There are formatting options such as headers, bullets, numbers, bold, italics, hyperlinks, dynamic parameters and emojis that can be added to the text box.
When saving text, click to edit the text box, click ‘Translate’, then ‘Save’ so the text is auto-translated into every language.
When adding images, they can be entered one at a time or in a slideshow format. To add one at a time requires multiple building blocks, while the multiple photos in a slideshow can be built into one building block.
To add a GIF, go to your page and select the image block. Add the GIF you would like to upload.
Icon Box
To add a text box with an icon, use the icon box to select a default icon or upload your own.
Use the Accordion to add content from a drop-down menu:
The button adds the ability of a smooth redirection for guests to a specific URL or page.
Add your Button Text and Link URL. The 'Link to' field supports all dynamic parameters.
Guest App view of the button:
For more information on the Button Block see here: New Block for Guest App post: Add a Button
To add a video, paste the video URL and it will be embedded in the guidebook post.

To add a map, insert the full address or the map coordinates.

PDF Files
Insert a PDF file block that, upload a PDF file, and when clicked on, will open a new tab with the file. To upload the PDF file to the block, click on the cloud with the arrow icon.

Link to Upsell
Add an upsell within a post for the guest to have direct access to a relatable upsell.

Important: Pay attention to the visibility of the upsell (tags, rooms/rentals/brands etc.) when adding an upsell to a post so that the visibility aligns and the upsell is able to be viewed within the post.
Add the upsell to your Guest App by clicking on the “+ Add page” and then click on the “Upsell” option.
Select the desired upsell from the dropdown menu.
The upsell will appear with the title, the dollar icon, the copy icon on the right, the trash icon, and the duplicate option.

Advanced Options
At the bottom of each post you have access to the additional "Advanced" options. Click "Show Advanced" to see settings for how posts can be added to the Arrival email, set with time restrictions, placed in the public Guest App and more!
Add to Arrival Email
You can make a post visible in the Arrival Email. The guest will see a preview and then be able to click on it to read the whole post.

Show in "Public Guest App"
Allow guests not signed in to be able to see the post in the Guest App. This can be used in combination with the Digital Spots. For example a post about the restaurants hours can have a digital spot in the lobby for anyone to scan and see the specific post in the Guest App, whether they are signed in or not.

Time Restrictions
A host can set time restrictions for when a post in the guidebook will be visible to guests. The timing can be set for when to start showing the post, when to hide the post, or to show the post only if the codes have been released (once the arrival communication has been sent).

Add a Shortcut
Link a post to show in other Guest App areas.

Limit by reservation status & source
Choose which guests can see the post based on their reservation status and their booking source.

Expiration Date
Set an expiration date for a post to be disabled and no longer visible in the Guidebook. For example a post about a specific event, set an expiration date so the post is not visible after the event has already happened.

You can select the visibility of a post to choose where and to who it will be visible to. The post visibility can be limited by tags, by room/rental, and by brands. You can also set conditions based on the reservation status, number of guests, number of adults, booking source and answers to custom questions.

If brands are available, you can select from the "properties" list which brands you would like the post to be visible to. When this is selected, the post will be visible to all the guests with reservations for rooms/rentals within that brand.
After that, you have the option for whether the post will be visible to all the guests, guests within selected rooms/rentals, or if you have tags available, you can have it only visible to rooms/rentals with a tag linked.

Conditions can also be added such as booking source, relating to a custom question, if there are children on the reservation, and many more. Simply select from the dropdown menu and set up the condition.

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