When will the Money be transferred from Duve to my own Payoneer account?
The funds will become available for you to withdraw 7 days after the product delivery date. For example, if you sell an early check-in on January 1st, and your guests checks-in on January 10th- the funds will be available to you on January 17th.
Automatic Payout is set by default on the 10th of every month, but this can be customized for the date and the amount of money to trigger the payout on that date. Note there is a minimum payout amount of 19 eur.
Manual Payouts: To initiate the payout manually, users can withdraw up to a certain amount from Duve by going to Upsells>Balance>Pay out to Bank (top right).
Is there a minimum withdraw amount?
The minimum amount for a withdraw is 19 Euros. Duve will automatically transfer the funds to your own Payoneer account every month on the 10th of each month, providing that you have the minimum amount of funds. You will be able to manually transfer the money as well.
If the 'Pay Out to Bank' button is not available, the balance has not hit the 19 EUR minimum. The 'Available to Pay out' section will reflect the total amount available in the customer's currency.
What currency will I be paid in?
All amounts will be paid out to the customer's Payoneer account in Euros.
Automatic Payout
Our customers can set if they would like Duve to payout their earnings to their Payoneer account automatically once the minimum withdraw amount is hit.
The Payout the host will receive depends on the connected bank account to their Payoneer account. The host should always receive the payout in their local currency.
If you would like to decide which day of the month you would like to get paid on, you can choose using the dropdown menu which day of the month and how much the minimum would be.

What are the fees for transferring the money from Duve to your Payoneer account?
There is a fee of 2.5 Euros for transferring your funds from Duve to your own Payoneer account. The fee does not include currency conversion.
Once you completed the transfer, you will have the money available in your own Payoneer account and can easily withdraw these funds from your local bank account in local currency. Make sure to check Payoneer fees may vary by country and currency.
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