Duve supports auto-translation and guest communication in 20 languages
Guests will have 2 types of languages connected to their profile in Duve:
- Preferred language - Language identified either from nationality or the country code of the phone number in their reservation
- Chat language - Language identified as the language the guest has written messages to the host in
Languages are supported for automated guest communications
Automated messages are sent to guests based on their set Preferred Language
Examples: Auto emails from Duve, Scheduled messages, Guest-app posts, send Dynamic parameters.
- English
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Italian
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Russian
- Korean
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Dutch
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Norwegian
- Greek
- Finnish
- Czech
- Romanian
- Slovenian {new March 2024}
- Indonesian {new September 2024}
- Thai {new September 2024}
- Vietnamese {new September 2024}
Languages Supported for manually sending messages to guests according to their Chat language
For more information on Chat languages, please see: Auto Translations.
- Afar
- Abkhaz
- Avestan
- Afrikaans
- Akan
- Amharic
- Aragonese
- Assamese
- Avaric
- Aymara
- Azerbaijani
- Bashkir
- Belarusian
- Bulgarian
- Bihari
- Bislama
- Bambara
- Bengali
- Tibetan
- Breton
- Bosnian
- Catalan
- Chechen
- Chamorro
- Corsican
- Cree
- OldChurchSlavonic
- Chuvash
- Welsh
- Danish
- Divehi
- Dzongkha
- Ewe
- Esperanto
- Estonian
- Basque
- Persian
- Fula
- Fijian
- Faroese
- WesternFrisian
- Irish
- ScottishGaelic
- Galician
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Hausa
- Hindi
- HiriMotu
- Croatian
- Haitian
- Hungarian
- Armenian
- Herero
- Interlingua
- Interlingue
- Igbo
- Nuosu
- Inupiaq
- Ido
- Icelandic
- Inuktitut
- Javanese
- Georgian
- Kongo
- Kikuyu
- Kwanyama
- Kazakh
- Kalaallisut
- Khmer
- Kannada
- Kanuri
- Kashmiri
- Kurdish
- Komi
- Cornish
- Kyrgyz
- Latin
- Luxembourgish
- Ganda
- Limburgish
- Lingala
- Lao
- Lithuanian
- LubaKatanga
- Latvian
- Malagasy
- Marshallese
- Maori
- Macedonian
- Malayalam
- Mongolian
- Marathi
- Malay
- Maltese
- Burmese
- Nauru
- NorwegianBokmal
- NorthernNdebele
- Nepali
- Ndonga
- NorwegianNynorsk
- SouthernNdebele
- Navajo
- Chichewa
- Occitan
- Ojibwe
- Oromo
- Oriya
- Ossetian
- Panjabi
- Pali
- Pashto
- Quechua
- Romansh
- Kirundi
- Kinyarwanda
- Sanskrit
- Sardinian
- Sindhi
- NorthernSami
- Sango
- Sinhala
- Slovak
- Shona
- Somali
- Albanian
- Serbian
- Swati
- SouthernSotho
- Sundanese
- Swedish
- Swahili
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Tajik
- Tigrinya
- Turkmen
- Tagalog
- Tswana
- Tonga
- Turkish
- Tsonga
- Tatar
- Twi
- Tahitian
- Uyghur
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Uzbek
- Venda
- Volapuk
- Walloon
- Wolof
- Xhosa
- Yiddish
- Yoruba
- Zhuang
- Zulu
Languages supported for Frontdesk UI Settings for Users (Host Facing)
- English
- Hebrew
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Polish
- German
- Romanian
- Czech
- Arabic
- Norwegian
- Dutch
- Portuguese
- Indonesian
- Thai
- Vietnamese
Supported Languages FAQ:
Q: How is the preferred language selected for guests?
A: The guest's preferred language is being set up according to the guest's phone number country code.
For example, the UK, US, AUS, NZ, CA, and others, are set as English, France is set as French, Germany and Austria as German, and so on.
There are a few countries that since there is more than 1 Official (main) language (such as Belgium and Switzerland), are set to "English" as well (in this case, also Canada is set to English, although French is an official language there).
Q: If a guest responds to a message from Duve in a language that Duve does not support, will it be translated?
A: Yes, with the use of the Auto Translations.
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