Switching to a 3D terminal
If there is a need to convert an existing terminal to a 3D secure terminal, customers must first contact Pelecard (shalom/stas@pelecard.co.il or helpdesk@pelecard.co.il) and request to convert their terminals to 3D secure.
Pelecard will offer further instructions, at the end of the process with Pelecard, they will refer the client to complete a verification process with their credit card processors. The credit card processor will request the hotel's check-in link, in order to verify their account is up to par with the requirements for 3D secure payment processing.
For the check-in link to be compliant with these regulations, please follow these steps:
- Enter your billing page to update the Terminals here: https://frontdesk.duve.com/settings?tab=billingTab&subTab=yourPlan:
- Ensure the 3DS terminal is connected as such: iFrame and CVV are turned on. To update any information in the terminal please insert your username and password
- Terms & Conditions - make sure your terms & conditions policies include "cancellation of transaction" which is required by consumer laws (החוק להגנת הצרכן)

Important: without this step the 3DS verification will not pass.
If the customer does not have terms & conditions, they will need to create a webpage on their website with "מדיניות ביטול עסקה" - "Transaction cancellation policy" and then copy the link in Duve.
After completing these steps, open a test reservation and send the check-in link to the credit card company.
Once the credit card company verifies the terminal you will receive from Pelecard the new 3DS terminal information.
Important: You must ensure with Pelecard that the hotel has also organizational permission for the old terminal (the offline terminal is needed to process any offline actions including additional hold, refunds & pending approval upsells)
You will then connect the new 3DS terminal under "INTERACTIVE" and the offline terminal under "OFFLINE":

After you connect the terminal/s, we need to run a test to see if the payment runs smoothly.
Please find that you know what the amount a transaction will be charged through 3DS, for example, if it is 1 shekel - you can try and charge 1 shekel.
Test Instructions
If you are not familiar with Pelecard - please watch this short tutorial in HE
- Open a test reservation in Duve for today with the lowest amount defined as 3DS
- Send yourself the payment/check-in link
- If the payment is successful, login to Pelecard and locate the payment under "עסקאות לפני שידור"
If the transaction appears as an internet transaction - the test is successful and the terminal is properly connected and works.
If the account has an "additional hold" please check that the hold cleared during payment under "אישורים", it will appear as "חיוב טלפוני"

If the payment appears as "חיוב טלפוני" and not "חיוב אינטרנטי" please contact Pelecard.
Note: additional hold transactions are charged only on the same day of arrival, if you created your test for today you should be able to see the capture under "אישורים" - otherwise, it will only appear on check-in day as that is the time it is captured.
Important If during testing you received an error in processing your payment - please reach out to support and share the reservation you made during the testing.
Pay attention in this case to updating the old offline terminal back in Duve as the hotel will not be able to charge any payments if there is any error during testing
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