Protel OnPremise Integration Specs
Protel pushes all reservation and update information to Duve - we are at the mercy of Protel with regards to when reservations sync into Duve. If there is an issue with reservations not syncing to Duve
Integration Type:
- 2 Way Integration
Features of the Integration
- 1 Way: Sync Room/Rental Information, Future Reservations (Room Allocation, Reservation Dates, Guest Name, Contact Information, Number of Guests)
- 1 Way: Sync Payment for Stay (Total Accommodation) Information to Duve with routing
- 1 Way: Sync PMS Notes to Duve
- 2 Way - Basic: Sync Back Contact Information (Email Address & Phone Number) to the contact fields on the Guest Profile
- 2 Way - Basic: Add a Note with the Pre Check-in summary to the Notes section of the PMS (Trace)
- 2 Way - Full: Sync back Payment for Stay record to the Guest Folio
- 2 Way - Full: Sync back purchases of upsell services to the Guest Folio (Early Check-in, Late Checkout, Room Upgrades)
Sync In
What we sync?
- Customer’s Room/Rental Information (as long as it exists in the PMS)
- Room Name
- Room Type
- Room Number
- Reservation Information
- Reservation Dates
- Room Allocation (or Room Type allocation)
- Contact information (Name, Phone Number, email address)
- Nationality of guest in the PMS identifies what the country of the guest is and therefore the guest language
- Country by phone is pulled from the country code of the phone number
- Nationality of guest in the PMS identifies what the country of the guest is and therefore the guest language
- Number of Guests
- Guest Notes
- Rate Plan
- Reservation IDs
- Protel Reservation ID
- OTA Reservation ID
- Sub Reservations support
- Booking Source
- Booking Source 2 (Marketing Segment)
- Reservation statuses (from the PMS)
- Confirmed
- Checked-in (In House)
- Checked-out (Post Stay)
- Canceled
- Guest Payment for Stay
- Room and Tax for the Guest will show on the Payments section (Paid and Unpaid)
- OTA Routing is supported (Duve will not show the guest payments which have already been paid through the OTA)
- For example:
What we push back to the PMS?
Pre Check-in
- Uploaded to Guest Profile in the PMS
- Updated Guest Contact information
- Phone Number
- Arrival Time
- Guest Documents URLs
- Custom Questions - sync is supported only for the Main Booker, not for the Companions
- Nationality
- Date of Birth
- ID/Passport Number
- Address (city/country/address/zip)
- Billing (company/address/city/country)
- Duve URL pushed in Summary note for Required Documents
- Guest Billing (Payment for Stay & Authorization to Folio)
- Opt-in Marketing
- Upsell purchases updated to guest folio - each are itemized with payment type
- Add to Hotel Bill
- Pay by Credit Card
Pre Checkout
- Departure Time
- Guest Checkout Billing (To Folio)
- Pre Check-in Summary Note (Trace)
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