Integration Type:
- 2-Way Integration
What do we sync?
- Customer’s Room/Rental Information (as long as it exists in the PMS)
- Room Name - External ID
- Room Type - Description, External ID, Quantity
- Room Number
- Max number of guests
Reservation Information -
- Reservation Dates
- Room Allocation (or Room Type allocation)
- Contact information (Name, Phone Number, email address)
- Guest Profile
- Reservation Numbers -
- All reservations will show all External IDs as listed in SIHOT
- Sub Reservations are listed as r2/r3/r4 etc..
- Rate Plan
- Number of Guests - adults/ baby/ children
- Sihot Notes
- Country
- Country by phone is pulled from the country code of the phone number
- Booking Source
- Booking source label
- Currency
- Reservation statuses (from the PMS)
- Confirmed
- Checked-in (In House)
- Checked-out (Post Stay)
- Canceled
Payment for Stay
*Guest Billing is not supported for SIHOT within the Online Check-in
Once a guest is checked in, Duve has access to their folio
- Only Extra Charges for the Guest will show on the Payments section after the guest is Checked-in
- Live Folio - all extra charges from Sihot will appear in Duve Folio
What do we push back to the PMS?
Updating to Guest Profile in the SIHOT
- Guest first name
- Guest last name
- Guest email address
- Phone number
- DOB (via Custom Question field match)
- Zip code (via Custom Question field match)
- Address (via Custom Question field match)
- Nationality (via Custom Question field match)
- Country (via Custom Question field match)
- Billing Information - Company Name, Address, City, Country (via Custom Question field match)
- Document number (passport) (via Custom Question field match)
- Comments
- Main booker only - Updating ETA/ETD only when the main booker updates theirs will update their sub-reservations as well. When the main booker updates his/her ETA/ETD it will also update their sub reservations ETA/ETD as a comment ad, not to the field in the PMS
Pre Checkout
- Departure Time
Reservation Identification:
- Main reservations are tagged r1 in the PMS external ID. Duve doesn't change its external ID.
- Related reservations are denoted r2/r3 in both systems.
- Sub-reservations are marked differently with a sequence like **/r1, **/r2.
Pricing Model:
- For multi-reservations, pricing is linked only to the main booker.
- Sub-reservations will be able to see individual prices for those rooms.
- For multi-reservations, pricing is linked only to the main booker.
Reservation Data:
- The "Travel Agent" field in SIHOT corresponds to the Booking Source in Duve.
- Room type" is referred to as "Category" and "Plan Type" is called "packages".
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