Q: Can I use my business phone number?
A: Yes! Through Duve you can now bring your own phone number and we will connect it to WhatsApp and directly to your Duve Account.
Q: Can I use my existing Whatsapp business account?
A: No, Duve will create a new WhatsApp business account with your branding and a custom phone number with your Country Code. Like written above, you can bring your existing phone number but we will have to temporarily delete the existing Whatsapp sender on the phone number in order to add it to Duve.
Q: Can guests call my number?
A: No, the number is for messaging use only.
Q: Can people outside of Duve message this number?
A: No, this number will be used internally only with your guests communication, they will be able to reply to any communication sent to them from your custom phone number - by SMS or WhatsApp.
Q: I have a European or Australian phone number and I am trying to send SMS messages to my American guests, why is this not working?
A: Since September 30th, 2023, US carriers have updated their policies to prevent foreign phone numbers sending SMS messages to guests without proper registration. To ensure that your custom phone number has SMS to US numbers enabled, please contact Duve Support with the following information for your organization:
- Legal Business name
- EIN / Tax ID Number
- Business Address
- Main Contact Name and Contact Information
- Full Address of Business in the United States
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