The Branding Page is found in General Settings in host accounts, and is where the host adds their logo and other brand assets to personalize their account. The branding is usually setup during onboarding with information and images given by the host. The host can access and change this information in their settings at any point.
Why do we have it and what is the value?
- The branding page is available for hosts to have control over their branding, and the option to make any changes.
- The branding helps create personalization for all of the communications with the guest and in the GuestApp, so the guests see the host's brand and think that everything is coming directly from the host.
How is it used with extra brands?
- Each extra brand that is added to the account can have a different setup of settings in Branding. This enables hosts to have unique personalization across their brands.
- What - An image of the logo of the company
- Where - The logo is shown in all the email communications at the top in the header and in the GuestApp
- Format - The logo is required to be in a JPEG or PNG format up to 500kb. The recommended size for use is 142 x 85 px.
Cover Image:
- What - An image that represents the company. Can be a photo from inside the hotel, the city, etc.
- Where - The cover image is shown as the main image of the GuestApp
- Format - The cover image is required to be in a JPEG or PNG format up to 1 MB. The recommended size for use is 375 x 85 px. The image is best formatted when it is a horizontal image.
Brand Color:
- What - The brand color can be a color the host uses across all things for their hotel, or it can be a color that they simply like and fits with their brand for the usage with Duve.
- Where - The brand color is shown in the text of the menu of the GuestApp, Order Emails and all buttons to access Guest App from Email Communications (Arrival Email, Pre Check-in Summary, Pre Checkout Summary)
- Format - Hex color code (format for color starting with a # and followed by 6 letters and/or numbers). If the host knows the hex color code of their desired color, they can input that information here in the text box with the #. If they do not know the hex code, they can choose a color using the pointer and sliders that closely resembles the desired color.
- Hex Color Code finder -

Common issues - "Contrast ratio is too low" error happens when the color is not dark enough to appear against a white text.
- If contrast ratio is left at 'too low', the buttons for 'Let's Start', 'Next' and 'Go to Guest-Area' will be blank

- What - A favicon is an icon associated with a URL that brands a website.
- Where - The small image is located next to anything that identifies your website while in a browser, for example on tabs.
- Format - The icon needs to be in an image ratio of 1:1 and the recommended size is 512 x 512 px.
Default Font:
- What - The font option in branding allows the host to choose from 16 different font options. Hosts can only choose from this list, there is no option to add more or their own.
- Where - This is the font for the text that appears in the GuestApp.
- Does not appear on the email communications sent by Duve
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