How does configuring a custom email domain work?
Duve can be configured to deliver emails to guests on your behalf via your email domain to increase guest engagement and brand awareness. Until this configuration is updated by a user, Duve sends emails using a pre-assigned domain name from our email server
Configuring a custom email domain does not affect incoming mail or any other aspect of the existing email setup. The personalized domain verification provides Duve with the necessary permission to send the communications on your behalf.
How to Find your Email Domain:
How to Configure your Email Domain:
1. In Settings, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab, and scroll down the menu and then select the ‘Domain Verification’ Section.
2. Click ‘Configure Mail Domain’ and enter your domain name, e.g.
3. Click Set Domain.
4. To complete the setup, the following DNS record changes are required to verify ownership of the domain. You may require IT assistance to help with this step as it requires logging into the host provider account where the domain name is registered to make the changes.
Note: do not use the values below, this is just an example. Use the Record values listed in your account.
The three basic types of records that will need to be added or changed are ‘CNAME’ (aka Alias), ‘A’ (aka Host) and ‘TXT’ (aka Text) records. The way these record types are added will vary depending on your domain provider’s interface.
The Red X shown indicates the field is not reflected by your domain provider.
The Green Check shown indicates the field is connected by your domain provider.
Once you find where to add a DNS record, copy the values using the copy button provided in Duve’s DNS set-up page.
Sometimes the host record does not contain the ‘’ portion, if that is the case, it means it has been automatically included. You may also find that the wording of what we have labeled ‘Host record’ and ‘value’ may be slightly different. If you encounter difficulty changing your DNS records, it can help to read your domain providers documentation.
Here are links to popular domain hosting providers’ documentation:
Important Note For Go Daddy & Cloudflare users: The field of Record Name for the TXT record (SPF) should be named ‘@’ in Go Daddy. For Example:
When entering the record name, remove your domain name from the records. For Example:
TXT Record: _amazonses.
4. Once you’ve made these changes, you can verify them by clicking ‘Test DNS Setup’:
Important Note: Changes to your DNS records can be immediate or may take hours to update, depending on your provider. Our DNS test will only detect live changes.
5. When the domain is connected, Duve will automatically forward back to the start page, and the last step is to insert the first part of the email address in the field. The green check indicates the completed domain verification.
Important Note: The default address is used if a new email is connected but the first part of the email domain is unchanged or left blank. However it can be changed easily to be on an email-by-email basis.
Important Note for Multi-Account users: The domain verification must be setup on each Duve account.
Important Note for Expedia: The email domain listed has to be in the list for the whitelisted emails for Expedia.
Common Errors
- You have more than one SPF record. You need to combine your SPF records into one record. Multiple SPF records may cause delivery and spam classification issues.
- You can only have one Sender ID TXT record that starts with ‘v=spf1 ….’. This may present an issue if you need more than one for other domain verifications (e.g. Google Analytics). Luckily, there is a way around this: add the entries between the ‘v=spf’ and ‘-all’ like so: “v=spf1 -all”.
- Don’t forget your periods at the end of your DKIM and Bounces/SP records. While easily overlooked, this will throw an error in our DNS validation.
- Remember to add ‘’ to the Sender ID record so that it looks like: ‘v=spf1 mx -all’.
- Network Solutions can take up to 24 hours for any DNS changes to take place. Please keep this in mind when checking your Duve account right after making changes.
- Blue Host will sometimes use a ‘?’ instead of a ‘-’ in front of the ‘all’ in their Sender ID, however this will throw an error in our DNS validation. To fix this, update the Sender ID in your DNS records to use a ‘-’, instead of the ‘?’.
- Amazon Web Services, or AWS, does not allow the ‘@’ for configuring a Sender ID. Please use your normal domain name as the host.
- GoDaddy does not allow ‘.’ at the end of a DKIM CNAME entry. It must be ‘’
- Transip users must add a trailing dot behind the CNAME record value when adding the Duve value into your domain
OVH has some trouble saving underscores in a CNAME record for DKIM in their new interface. Here is a work-around from their Support team:
- Create the CNAME record without underscores
- Go to the “Old Customer Interface” (Managerv3) and then to DNS Zone .
- Click on “View DNS zone in text mode”
- Add the underscores to the Duve CNAME line in the text editor.
- Wix has guidance about adding TXT & TXT(SPF records)
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