Check-in | Extra Customization
Brief: Duve allows you to make extra customization for all your guests or exclude by booking source.
You have the choice to enable/disable or exclude different features, for all or neither of your guests,
depending on your preferences.
How to set it up?
Go to Settings > Check-In > Extra customization
Here, you have a list of customization choices:
Verify the number of guests
In the check-in wizard process, you can allow your guests to enter a number of guests for the reservation. This will not affect the reservation, but you will have a way to follow up and accordingly offer guests different upsells or room/bed arrangements.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for specific booking sources, or enable it as a default and disable it only for specific booking sources.
Require credit card photo scan
In the check-in wizard process, the guest will be required to upload a credit card photo scan so that you can use this as another means of identification. If enabled, the guest can not skip this step.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for specific booking sources, or enable it as a default and disable it only for specific booking sources.
Set plane / train arrival details as mandatory
In the check-in wizard process, if your guest chooses one of these options for arrival options, the guest will be required to enter his plane/train information. That way, you can use this information to track your guest's arrival time in the case of a delay or early arrival.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for specific booking sources, or enable it as a default for all guests and disable it only for specific booking sources.
Hide full address until arrival message is sent
If enabled, the guest will not be able to see the property's address before receiving the Arrival Email, SMS, or WhatsApp. The Arrival message in this case can only be the Arrival Email/SMS/WhatsApp set on the main settings.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for specific booking sources, or enable it as a default and disable it only for specific booking sources.
- Note: Arrival messages set up in the Scheduled Messages
Turn off "Pre check-in confirmation" email to guests
If enabled, the guest will not receive the Pre check-in confirmation email after finishing the check-in process.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for specific booking sources, or enable it as a default and disable it only for specific booking sources.
Prevent guest from editing his personal info
If enabled, the guest will not be able to change his information such as first and last name.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for first or last name, or enable it as a default and disable it only for first or last names.
Also, you can add conditions by booking source or by the membership.
Prevent guests from editing their contact info
If enabled, the guest will not be able to change his information, such as email and phone number.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it only for email or phone number, or enable it as a default and disable it only for email or phone number.
Also, you can add conditions by booking source or by the membership.
Verify & collect contact info on first access to the guest area
If the guest did not complete the check-in process, he would have to enter his information in order to enter the guest's area.
- The information the guest would have to complete includes first name, last name, email address, phone number and any other custom questions included in the Basic Details page.
- This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it or disable it only for specific booking sources, agents, membership, or reservation status.
Require passcode after "quick start online check-in"
After the guest completes the check-in process, it is required to enter a four-digit passcode of your choosing in order to go from the guest's check-in wizard or guest app, back to the account.
Confirm guest name before opening "quick start online check-in"
If enabled, a pop-up window will appear to verify the guest's name before starting the check-in process.
*Quick start online check-in allows you to quickly send precheck-in now or hand over a tablet, for example, to the guest so that he can check in on the spot via your Task page.
- Click on the envelope button to quickly Send Pre Check-in now.
- Click on the play button to start Quick online check-in.
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