Set which documents your guests will be asked to scan during the Check-In wizard. This can include an ID document such as a Driver's License, Passport, or any other identification documents. Depending on the information you would like to collect from your guests, you can adjust the settings of this page to suit your requirements.
How to Set it Up?
To start the setup, go to Settings > Required Documents
Select your desired setup under “How many documents are required?”

There are 5 options:
- All adults (over 18)
- All guests – including adults, children, and babies
- Only guests over the age of XX – you can determine from which age you need your guests to scan their ID.
- One ID/passport –One document per reservation
- Unlimited - No limit for the number of documents, including '0'
In this box, you have option to add descriptive text that will explain to your guests why you need them to upload copy of their ID/Passport. A clear explanation will give them direction to understand why the requested documents are required, and will increase the number of guests seamlessly scanning their documents via the Online Check-in.
The description will be visible to your guests in the Pre Check-In wizard in the Required Documents step.

Important: Don’t forget to translate the description after you finish typing!
Ready? Enable!

Optional Settings
Booking Source Customization
You can choose which reservations will be asked to scan the documents based on the booking source. You can set up this option by clicking on "Booking Source Customization".
Mandatory Setting Customization
Once enabled, the Required Documents page can be made mandatory, meaning the guest cannot proceed in the Pre Check-In process without scanning. To make this step mandatory, enable the setting "Make this step mandatory".

If this step is not mandatory, they will have the option to skip the step and scan later with an alert page asking again if they would like to upload now or later.
Only certain options will be available to be set as mandatory:
- One ID/passport
- All guests
- All adults (over 18)
Please Note:
- Unlimited and Only guests over the age of XX can be skipped in the "Pre-check-in" since they can't be marked with the "Make this step mandatory" option.
Important! Secure Storage Customization
The ID/passport files are not saved on the Duve servers by default, but only are sent to the company’s email box. If you would like them to be saved on Duve's secure storage, please enable the setting in the Required Documents page. By enabling Secure Storage, you will be able to open the documents directly from within Duve. Documents will only be stored on Duve for 6 months from the guest's Checkout Date.

Hide Alert page Customization
If Required Documents step is NOT Mandatory your guests will see an alert page if they decide to skip the Required Documents page. There is an option to hide the alert page after guests skip scanning Documents"

Example of Alert Page:

The Guest Experience
Guests will see a page in their Online Check-in with the added Description and will be able to open the Camera or Photos app to upload photos for their host:

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